i’m sure that my cousin-friend who is a genius interior deisgner is going to cringe at my rough attempt at a design layout, but here it is anyway…

obviously a VERY rough layout, indeed as the scale and placement of any of this furniture is not accurate by any measure, but for my own sense of order, I wanted to get an idea of where and how things were going to fit into this space.
here are some items that i’ve been dreaming about putting in this space:
the science table tends to collect lovely found items and i think this microscope will be perfect for little hands learning to use a tool like this.
a good set of unit blocks is crucial in any early childhood classroom. i like this one from HAba toys, its got some unique peices that will challenge little architects and surely inspire some creative projects.
these little jars are magical! i can see them delighting children in the peace corner when they need to take a break but also opening the door to some interesting questions about how they work.
the light table is always one of the most popular places in the room with preschoolers and this exploration set (along with some magna-tiles) will go a long way in assisting discoveries with light!
but, let’s be real, i’m like a kid in a candy store when it comes to picking out school supplies…every time i look, I see more things I want to invest in and i have to reel it back. and honestly, the real fun begins when the children arrive and start showing me what they need in their environment.